What Homeless Youth Tell us About Sex and Labor Trafficking
Though there are many prevalence studies and a lot of information about trafficking drawn from a bird’s eye view, it is rare that we learn directly from a large sample of youth who have been trafficked about their experiences. They are reluctant to talk about trafficking situations for a number of reasons. Through interviews with over 600 homeless youth, we learned what they had experienced and also what they recommend we do to prevent and respond to trafficking. This slideshow (without sound but text-heavy) explores some of the most salient themes that emerged from talking to trafficked youth about their experiences and their advice for us as service providers. Their recommendations form a four-point blueprint that service providers can use to inform their trafficking response.
Human Trafficking for Homeless And runaway youth Serving programs: a resource guide
Although attention to human trafficking has dramatically increased in recent decades, considerable challenges remain in obtaining reliable and accurate information to guide the development of policies, programs, and practices. This resource guide co-authored by the Modern Slavery Research Project along with other nationally recognized subject matter experts for the Family & Youth Services Bureau and the Runaway and Homeless Youth Training & Technical Assistance Center is designed to help guide RHY serving organizations to develop a comprehensive and informed approach to trafficking among their clients.
more coming soon…